Last Day for Diocese to Accept Forms is TODAY - NOVEMBER 22.
Parishioners may fill out the form online HERE at
PAST parishioners may write a letter and email it to [email protected].
MANY MORE Questions & Answers now available on the Growing Disciples website HERE.
Last Day for Diocese to Accept Forms is TODAY - NOVEMBER 22.
Parishioners may fill out the form online HERE at
PAST parishioners may write a letter and email it to [email protected].
MANY MORE Questions & Answers now available on the Growing Disciples website HERE.
St. Patrick Parishioners -
Regarding the "Growing Disciples" plan for the Diocese of Peoria, please find the "Feedback Form" submitted by our parish team in February 2023. At the time, the team was Fr. Horton (now Fr. Derick), Dcn. Todd Weber, Parish Council Vice President - Rose Szymkiewicz, Parish Trustees - Patty Hermes and Mark Kingery, and Parish Point of Contact - Pam Elliott. There you can see what was submitted on behalf of our parish. There's also the "Key Diocesan Handout" with CDOP facts and projections - which were discussed at the parish meeting on Sunday, October 8th after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. There's information from Peoria with videos and other documents for the entire diocese that can be found HERE. We are in the Bloomington-Lincon Vicariate. Also please find a hard copy of the video slides (round 2 model). Our parish team will be meeting the week of October 15th to discuss more of the “positives” of our parish. We will then communicate with parishioners to provide feedback forms. Each person is encouraged to complete either the paper OR online form which will then be sent to the Planning Committee by November 22nd. Questions? Contact the parish office by phone or email. ALL DIOCESAN MODEL VIDOES can be found at the bottom of the page HERE.
Two formats below of the feedback form submitted by our parish team to the diocese back in February 2023
Find below the key diocese data and our vicariate proposed model. ![]()

July 23, 2020 was a special day in the history of the Diocese of Peoria, and the highlights of the episcopal ordination of Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka have been beautifully captured in a special keepsake program, “A Moment of Grace.” The 8.5x11, 56-page high quality commemorative includes nearly 40 color photos from the day, the full texts of homilies and other remarks by church leaders, background on Bishop Lou and his family, and more. It's available by sending $12 ($10 per booklet plus $2 shipping) to...
Bishop Tylka Commemorative
c/o The Catholic Post
PO Box 1722
Peoria, IL, 61656
Make checks payable to The Catholic Post.
July 23, 2020 was a special day in the history of the Diocese of Peoria, and the highlights of the episcopal ordination of Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka have been beautifully captured in a special keepsake program, “A Moment of Grace.” The 8.5x11, 56-page high quality commemorative includes nearly 40 color photos from the day, the full texts of homilies and other remarks by church leaders, background on Bishop Lou and his family, and more. It's available by sending $12 ($10 per booklet plus $2 shipping) to...
Bishop Tylka Commemorative
c/o The Catholic Post
PO Box 1722
Peoria, IL, 61656
Make checks payable to The Catholic Post.

4:00pm Mass followed by Outdoor Communion and Meet & Greet with Bishop Lou Tylka at St. Patrick of Merna - Saturday, August 1st
---4:00pm - Mass with Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka (Bishop Lou) at St. Patrick of Merna. It's not open to the public, but all 14 parishes of the Vicariate will be represented and the Mass will be livestreamed as well.
---5:00pm - Communion then Meet and Greet for ALL
Mass will take place this afternoon at St. Patrick of Merna, Bloomington to welcome Bishop Lou to our vicariate. Due to COVID-9 restrictions, the Mass is not open to the public. However, EVERYONE is invited to view the event Livestream on their parish Facebook page (no fb account needed) - St. Patrick Church of Merna.
ALL are welcome to come to the parking lot of St. Patrick of Merna for Communion following Mass and go through a receiving line to meet the new Bishop.
NOTE - BIshop Lou is planning to say Mass in each of our Diocese's vicariates. St. Patrick, Wapella is part of the Bloomington - Lincoln Vicariate, which includes ALL PARISHES in the cities and towns of Atlanta, Bloomington, Clinton, Colfax, Delavan, Downs, El Paso, Elkhart, Farmer City, Lincoln, Mt. Pulaski, Normal and Wapella. The Vicar Forane of our vicariate is Fr. Dustin Schultz at St. Patrick of Merna, Bloomington.
The position of Vicar Forane is appointed by the local bishop. His role is to oversee the priests of a particular area. Each diocese is divided into areas called vicariates. In the United States, the position is usually referred to as a dean and the region as a deanery. The dean’s role is to oversee the spiritual needs of the priests in his region, to be attentive to pastoral issues in his region, and to coordinate regional pastoral responses. ...from
---4:00pm - Mass with Coadjutor Bishop Louis Tylka (Bishop Lou) at St. Patrick of Merna. It's not open to the public, but all 14 parishes of the Vicariate will be represented and the Mass will be livestreamed as well.
---5:00pm - Communion then Meet and Greet for ALL
Mass will take place this afternoon at St. Patrick of Merna, Bloomington to welcome Bishop Lou to our vicariate. Due to COVID-9 restrictions, the Mass is not open to the public. However, EVERYONE is invited to view the event Livestream on their parish Facebook page (no fb account needed) - St. Patrick Church of Merna.
ALL are welcome to come to the parking lot of St. Patrick of Merna for Communion following Mass and go through a receiving line to meet the new Bishop.
NOTE - BIshop Lou is planning to say Mass in each of our Diocese's vicariates. St. Patrick, Wapella is part of the Bloomington - Lincoln Vicariate, which includes ALL PARISHES in the cities and towns of Atlanta, Bloomington, Clinton, Colfax, Delavan, Downs, El Paso, Elkhart, Farmer City, Lincoln, Mt. Pulaski, Normal and Wapella. The Vicar Forane of our vicariate is Fr. Dustin Schultz at St. Patrick of Merna, Bloomington.
The position of Vicar Forane is appointed by the local bishop. His role is to oversee the priests of a particular area. Each diocese is divided into areas called vicariates. In the United States, the position is usually referred to as a dean and the region as a deanery. The dean’s role is to oversee the spiritual needs of the priests in his region, to be attentive to pastoral issues in his region, and to coordinate regional pastoral responses. ...from

The Most Reverend Louis Tylka formally installed as Coadjutor Bishop
The Diocese of Peoria is pleased to share the news that the Most Reverend Louis Tylka has been formally installed as Coadjutor Bishop on Thursday, July 23, 2020.
The Most Reverend Tylka will become the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Peoria when he succeeds Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, upon his retirement in March of 2022 when he turns 75, the age when bishops are required to turn in their resignation to the pope.
The formal ordination and installation of the Most Reverend Tylka as Coadjutor Bishop took place at The Cathedral of St. Mary in Peoria.
Prior to being appointed by his His Holiness, Pope Francis, Coadjutor Bishop Tylka, 50, was Pastor of St. Julie Billiart in Tinley Park, Illinois. He earned a reputation as a very popular pastor in the Archdiocese of Chicago where he was known as a man of holiness and prayer, generous in service, who knows how to encourage the talents of others in collaborative ministry.
“I know that Coadjutor Bishop Tylka will bring enormous talent, zeal, and a warm personality to the service of God and neighbor here in central Illinois. I have assured Bishop Tylka that he can expect an enthusiastic welcome, and that we look forward to his pastoral ministry and leadership,” said Bishop Jenky.
In his greeting to the people, Coadjutor Bishop Tylka shared that he looks forward to many years of getting to know the faithful and walking with them on the path of discipleship. “As I begin my ministry, I ask for your prayers for me and our local church that we may continue to grow closer to Jesus each day and bring the message of our faith to all parts of the world.”
Coadjutor Bishop Tylka is a native of Harvey, Illinois and is the youngest of six children. He graduated from Marian Catholic High School, and Niles College Seminary of Loyola University. His seminary formation took place at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary and he was ordained a priest of Jesus Christ for the Archdiocese of Chicago by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin on May 18, 1996.
The Diocese of Peoria is pleased to share the news that the Most Reverend Louis Tylka has been formally installed as Coadjutor Bishop on Thursday, July 23, 2020.
The Most Reverend Tylka will become the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Peoria when he succeeds Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, upon his retirement in March of 2022 when he turns 75, the age when bishops are required to turn in their resignation to the pope.
The formal ordination and installation of the Most Reverend Tylka as Coadjutor Bishop took place at The Cathedral of St. Mary in Peoria.
Prior to being appointed by his His Holiness, Pope Francis, Coadjutor Bishop Tylka, 50, was Pastor of St. Julie Billiart in Tinley Park, Illinois. He earned a reputation as a very popular pastor in the Archdiocese of Chicago where he was known as a man of holiness and prayer, generous in service, who knows how to encourage the talents of others in collaborative ministry.
“I know that Coadjutor Bishop Tylka will bring enormous talent, zeal, and a warm personality to the service of God and neighbor here in central Illinois. I have assured Bishop Tylka that he can expect an enthusiastic welcome, and that we look forward to his pastoral ministry and leadership,” said Bishop Jenky.
In his greeting to the people, Coadjutor Bishop Tylka shared that he looks forward to many years of getting to know the faithful and walking with them on the path of discipleship. “As I begin my ministry, I ask for your prayers for me and our local church that we may continue to grow closer to Jesus each day and bring the message of our faith to all parts of the world.”
Coadjutor Bishop Tylka is a native of Harvey, Illinois and is the youngest of six children. He graduated from Marian Catholic High School, and Niles College Seminary of Loyola University. His seminary formation took place at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary and he was ordained a priest of Jesus Christ for the Archdiocese of Chicago by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin on May 18, 1996.
Ordination and Installation of
Bishop-Elect Louis Tylka 2:00pm Thursday, July 23, 2020 at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Peoria, Illinois |

Please keep our new transitional deacons -
Austin Bosse and Nic Wilson -
in you prayers.
Mass and Ordination at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Peoria was Sunday, June 14 - Watch HERE.

Bishop Expresses Gratitude as Church Begins to Emerge from Quarantine
June 2, 2020 Letter from Bishop Jenky, CSC
This letter and ALL OTHER LETTERS and DOCUMENTS regarding REOPENING...
--- Covid-19 Protocol Instructions for the Diocese of Peoria
--- Specific Guidelines
...can be found HERE.
June 2, 2020 Letter from Bishop Jenky, CSC
This letter and ALL OTHER LETTERS and DOCUMENTS regarding REOPENING...
--- Covid-19 Protocol Instructions for the Diocese of Peoria
--- Specific Guidelines
...can be found HERE.

Churches reopen for private prayer;
Public Masses resume on June 6th,
with limits
Catholic Post Article by Jennifer Willems
May 29, 2020 - Story HERE.
Public Masses resume on June 6th,
with limits
Catholic Post Article by Jennifer Willems
May 29, 2020 - Story HERE.
Pope Francis Appoints the Reverend Louis Tylka as Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Peoria
Catholic Post Article HERE. Welcome Greeting from the Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C. To the Faithful of the Diocese of Peoria, I know that I speak for all the priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and faithful of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria who join with me in giving heartfelt thanks to Almighty God and to our Holy Father Pope Francis for sending us the Most Reverend Louis Tylka as Coadjutor Bishop-Elect. |
He has worked in parishes for his entire priesthood, and I know that he will bring enormous talent, zeal, and a warm personality to the service of God and neighbor here in Central Illinois. I have assured Bishop Tylka that he can expect an enthusiastic welcome in our Local Church, and that we look forward to his pastoral ministry and leadership. Upon my retirement, I will be happy to know that he will become the 9th Bishop of Peoria. More than a year ago, I began to experience some growing mobility problems due to arthritis and spinal issues. Through the Papal Nuncio, I therefore petitioned our Holy Father Pope Francis to appoint a Coadjutor Bishop to help me in the administration of our Diocese, which covers 26 counties in Central Illinois. I am extremely grateful to the Pope for granting my request and sending u
Bishop Jenky encourages Marian devotion in video message released on Fatima feast - The Catholic Post
On this feast of Our Lady of Fatima, Bishop Jenky has released a new video message in which he speaks of his own devotion to Mary, that of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, the importance of the rosary, and how Mary leads us to Jesus. He ends by encouraging Catholics to cling to Mary and pass the tradition of Marian devotion on to the next generation. To view the video, click the image. A transcript of his message is found HERE. |
Bishop Daniel Jenky Calls for Prayers on the 125th Birth Date of
Venerable Servant of God Fulton Sheen (click on article title above for link to Diocese webpage) |

Bishop Jenky Offers Good Friday Blessing
to Diocese, Pandemic Victims via Helicopter
Catholic Post Story HERE
Bishop Jenky and Msgr. Halfacre went up in the OSF Healthcare Life Flight helicopter to bless all 4 corners of the diocese and to pray for all those affected by COVID 19 on April 10.
---Truly the Lord has borne our infirmities, and he has carried our sorrows.---
Almighty and eternal God, our refuge in every danger, to whom we turn in our distress; in faith we pray look with compassion on the afflicted, grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick, peace to the dying, strength to health- care workers, wisdom to our leaders and the courage to reach out to all in love, so that together we may give glory to your holy name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God, for ever and ever.
to Diocese, Pandemic Victims via Helicopter
Catholic Post Story HERE
Bishop Jenky and Msgr. Halfacre went up in the OSF Healthcare Life Flight helicopter to bless all 4 corners of the diocese and to pray for all those affected by COVID 19 on April 10.
---Truly the Lord has borne our infirmities, and he has carried our sorrows.---
Almighty and eternal God, our refuge in every danger, to whom we turn in our distress; in faith we pray look with compassion on the afflicted, grant eternal rest to the dead, comfort to mourners, healing to the sick, peace to the dying, strength to health- care workers, wisdom to our leaders and the courage to reach out to all in love, so that together we may give glory to your holy name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God, for ever and ever.
Diocesan Letters Listed Below Can Be Found HERE
* May 13 - Plan for Reopening Catholic Churches in Illinois
* May 11 - Pope Francis Appoints the Reverend Louis Tylka as Co-Adjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Peoria
* April 3 - Letter from Vicar General with Updates and Clarifications of Directives & Protocols
* March 21 - Letter from Vicar General of Updated Directives Pursuant to Governor Pritzker's Order (5:00 pm)
These directives are intended to accompany the previously issued letter of Bishop Jenky (03/13/2020). All of these directives remain in effect until further notice regarding the following: Celebration of Holy Mass; Funerals; Weddings; Baptisms; Confirmation; Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum; Holy Communion to the Sick; Confession / Reconciliation; Churches, Parish Offices, Parish Events, and Social Outreach; Parish events and activities of any kind are suspended.
* March 13 - Letter from Vicar General of Directives and Protocols
* March 13 - Letter from the Bishop Suspending All Public Masses
* March 12 - Corona Virus and Pastoral Care
Updates and Ministry Resources |
Friday, March 13, 2020
Parishioners, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) Bishop Jenky has notified us that, in order to protect community health, all public masses at all parishes throughout the Peoria Diocese have been suspended beginning with the March 14th Saturday Vigil Mass. Until we are notified to resume Mass, confessions, etc., Churches will remain closed until further notice. Let us support one another in prayer and by caring for those in need as we weather the impact of the coronavirus. We keep in our hearts that ultimately nothing "can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39) Bishop Jenky's full letter is below. Please keep current on all the updated information, including opportunities for Reconciliation, by visiting our parish websites and the diocesan website.,, Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr Jeffrey Stirniman Pastor |

Message Regarding Flu Season
At Bishop Jenky’s suggestion, effective immediately, I’m asking all of my parishes to forego the ‘Sign of Peace’, holding hands during the Lord's prayer, and distribution of the Precious Blood at all Masses until further notice. These practices are always optional. The Holy Water fonts will also be removed. We need this temporary suspension in an effort to avoid spreading the flu virus. Hand Sanitizer will be available near the entrance of church. Also, Bishop Jenky is encouraging those receiving the Eucharist to receive in the hand rather than tongue.. There's no obligation to attend Mass when one is ill. We ask that you consider your fellow parishioners if you have cold or flu symptoms and use common sense during these winter months. ~ Father Stirniman
Message Regarding Flu Season
At Bishop Jenky’s suggestion, effective immediately, I’m asking all of my parishes to forego the ‘Sign of Peace’, holding hands during the Lord's prayer, and distribution of the Precious Blood at all Masses until further notice. These practices are always optional. The Holy Water fonts will also be removed. We need this temporary suspension in an effort to avoid spreading the flu virus. Hand Sanitizer will be available near the entrance of church. Also, Bishop Jenky is encouraging those receiving the Eucharist to receive in the hand rather than tongue.. There's no obligation to attend Mass when one is ill. We ask that you consider your fellow parishioners if you have cold or flu symptoms and use common sense during these winter months. ~ Father Stirniman